Learn acting and drama skills, work as a team, build confidence, create public theatre shows, all in a nurturing & inspiring environment. Open to everyone aged 5-25. Subsidised and free places available.
ThirdSpace Theatre CIC is committed to providing and maintaining a healthy and safe working environment and promoting and monitoring health and safety at work.
The Health And Safety at Work Act 1974 places a responsibility upon ThirdSpace Theatre CIC, as your employer, to prepare a written statement of general policy regarding the safety and health of all employees / freelancers at their workplace. ThirdSpace Theatre CIC recognises and accepts its responsibility as an employer to maintain, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety and health of its employee / freelancers, and of other persons who may be affected by its activities including volunteers, members of the public, contractors and temporary workers.
The Act also requires that every employee / freelancer shall:
It is ThirdSpace Theatre CIC’s policy to take all reasonable and practicable steps to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of its employees / freelancers in the course of their work. ThirdSpace Theatre CIC recognises and accepts its responsibilities as an employer for providing a safe and healthy workplace and environment for our employees / freelancers, students, volunteers and audience. In particular it is ThirdSpace Theatre CIC’s intention to ensure that all employee / freelancers have a safe place of work; safe entrance to and exit from their place of work; a safe system of work; adequate materials and safe equipment; and protection from unnecessary risk of injury.
ThirdSpace Theatre CIC will support the implementation of this policy by assessing and managing potential risks and offering safety information or training as required.
In implementing this policy ThirdSpace Theatre CIC aims to avoid work-related accidents and to engender a positive attitude in its employees / freelancers to achieve the highest standards of health, safety and welfare at work.
ThirdSpace Theatre CIC welcomes any requests, comments or concerns from staff about this policy.
In pursuing this policy ThirdSpace Theatre CIC will:
1. Knowledge of health and safety law is a requirement for all legal directors and managers. In particular legal directors and managers must make appropriate arrangements to carry out regular inspections to ensure compliance with this policy. In addition they will ensure that:
2. Staff have general responsibility for ensuring they:
Disciplinary action may be taken against any employee / freelancer who violates safety rules and procedures or who fails to perform his or her duties under this policy.
The overall and final responsibility for Health and Safety in the company is that of the Board of Directors.
The day to day management and implementation of the policy rests with Director Tanushka Marah, to whom suggestions or safety issues should be addressed.
Health and Safety is the responsibility of everyone in the organisation. You have a duty to read the policy and take an active interest in promoting health and safety at work. You are responsible for cooperating with ThirdSpace Theatre CIC’s efforts to provide for your health and safety, and to take every reasonable action to prevent injury to yourself or to your colleagues. Please be alert to any risks in your working environment.
All workshop leaders are responsible for ensuring that the relevant arrangements detailed in the Health & Safety Procedure Manual are adopted within their own areas of control and have a duty to look after their own health and safety and that of anyone else that might be affected by their actions, in particular TST students. In particular this involves:
This policy will be reviewed annually and revised where appropriate. Failure to comply with the policy will be viewed very seriously and may be a disciplinary matter.
All employees / freelancers and volunteers will be trained in safe working practices and procedures appropriate to the age of the gallery and nature of exhibitions.
Workplace inspections and training sessions will be held at least once a year or more frequently depending on the nature of each performance and theatre club.
ThirdSpace Theatre CIC will train staff in First Aid, inspection of electrical equipment and supervision of fire evacuations, and volunteers in assisting with all the above.
ThirdSpace Theatre CIC will take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of all staff and others using work equipment provided by ThirdSpace Theatre CIC. ThirdSpace Theatre CIC will inform and train employee / freelancers and volunteers how to use the equipment in a safe and efficient manner.
All equipment used by ThirdSpace Theatre CIC will comply with statutory requirements and will be maintained in good working order and repair.
Work equipment which could pose a risk to other’s health should only be used a person if he/she is properly trained and authorised to use it.
ThirdSpace Theatre CIC will assess risk and keep protective gloves, eyewear and clothes for use as appropriate.
ThirdSpace Theatre CIC will try to avoid the need for manual handling activities, so far as is reasonably practicable.
You are advised to read the manual handling instructions displayed in the office.
These steps should be reversed for lowering an object to the ground.
ThirdSpace Theatre CIC staff routinely use Display Screen Equipment (DSE) as part of their daily work. ThirdSpace Theatre CIC will ensure that all workstations comply with statutory requirements and train staff in posture and equipment/workstation positioning. Where required, ThirdSpace Theatre CIC will provide additional equipment to minimise risk of strain (e.g. foot stools etc.).
During performances production period, substances may be used that could potentially be hazardous to health if not properly stored, handled or used correctly. ThirdSpace Theatre CIC will carry out a risk assessment to reduce risk and inform/train staff of potential dangers.
From time to time some workers may be at increased risk of injury or ill health resulting from work activities. Please tell your manager if you become aware of any change in your personal circumstances which could result in increased risk and the need for more care. This could include medical conditions, permanent or temporary disability, taking medication and pregnancy.
The health and safety executive have identified six standards to measure stress in the workplace. These are:
ThirdSpace Theatre CIC does not wish any staff member or volunteer to be subjected to unhealthy stress and will do its utmost to minimise and alleviate this in the workplace.
If you feel that your work performance or your health is suffering because of stress-related matters, whether from outside or within the work environment, you should raise this with your manager who will arrange a meeting with you to discuss the matter further and assist you to deal with it. This may include evaluating the amount and complexity of your workload, your work environment and/or referring the matter to the Director who may be in a better position to help. Stress will not be treated as a sign of weakness.
If you believe your stress is entirely work-related and is not being dealt with appropriately by the organisation, you may wish to use ThirdSpace Theatre CIC’s Grievance Procedure.
ThirdSpace Theatre CIC makes risk assessments before each new performance and when setting up a theatre club at a new venue and staff are briefed on their implications. Copies of risk assessments can be found in the Risk Assessment Folder in the office and on the server (Organisational > Health and Safety > Risk Assessments).
Theatre Clubs and Performances take place at venues across Brighton, Hove, and Lewes. Club venues currently include: 17th Scout Hut Hove, All Saints Centre Lewes, St Mary’s Church Hall, Brighton Youth Centre, Hollingdean Community Centre, The Crew Club, Hanover Community Centre, BHASVIC, Blatchington Mill, West Blatchington Primary School, and St Lukes Primary. Regular performance venues currently include: Brighton Open Air Theatre, Brighton Dome, the Old Market, The Lantern Theatre and Windmill Theatre.
When setting up a club or hiring a venue for performance ThirdSpace Theatre CIC requests venue risk assessments, considering the suitability and safety of the setting and takes steps to reduce any risks identified, from the partner organisation or host venue. A fire evacuation plan and contact details of the partner or host organisation’s designated First Aiders and Fire Wardens are also requested, circulated with staff working at the venue and kept on file at ThirdSpace Theatre CIC offices.
ThirdSpace Theatre CIC is responsible for reviewing the host venue’s Risk Assessment and H&S Policies and Procedures, and conducts an activity risk assessment for each new performance or club.
All staff working on site are made aware of the venue’s H&S policies and procedures and all relevant risk assessments and are required to follow these at all times. An induction is provided by host venues to all relevant staff on the first day of each hire, or when a new staff member joins that venue’s club team.
All ThirdSpace Theatre CIC’s tutors are trained First Aiders.
A First Aid box, which can be used in case of minor accidents, is clearly marked and easily accessible by all employee / freelancers in the office. When working off site arrangements are made for a first aid box to be available at all times – whether it is provided by the host venue or brought on site by ThirdSpace Theatre CIC.
Where necessary you should not hesitate to call an ambulance by phoning 999.
Dave Barnstorm is responsible for the proper use and maintenance of the First Aid material. The First Aid box is stored on the second shelf in the office. Accident Record forms are kept in the First Aid box and the Accident Book lives in the lockable cupboard in the office. Please make sure you know where it is.
A list of emergency telephone numbers of doctors and hospitals is posted inside the First Aid box. In an emergency, an ambulance should be called on 999.
When new students join the company, parents are required to fill in an application form, collecting records of more than one emergency contact number for each child, where reasonably possible, and details of any medical concerns, allergies or SEND.
The information is review by ThirdSpace Theatre CIC Director who discusses any additional needs with the students parents or carer and circulates relevant information to the relevant Theatre Club teacher. If necessary activity risk assessments for the relevant club are reviewed and a PEEP is put in place to ensure students who cannot get themselves out of a building unaided have the best possible escape plan in place in case of a fire emergency.
The following are prohibited in all areas of the workplace at all times:
ThirdSpace Theatre CIC does not allow staff to attend work while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
Moderate drinking of alcohol is permitted by staff at social occasions hosted by ThirdSpace Theatre CIC providing that this does not in any way result in behaviour which could bring the organisation into disrepute.
Drug and/or alcohol misuse have serious safety risks at the workplace and interfere with how much work is done. Typical signs of drug or alcohol abuse are:
Any abuse of drugs or alcohol will be taken seriously. If you feel you have a problem please talk to a senior member of staff in strict confidentiality.
Any breach of these rules may result in disciplinary proceedings and could lead to dismissal.
All accidents should be noted in the Accident Report Book, which is maintained by the Dave Barnstorm. It is the responsibility of each individual employee / freelancer to report and record any accident involving personal injury. Any accident or near miss occurrence (i.e. no one was injured but the incident had the potential to injure or kill) at work should be reported immediately to your line manager and recorded in the Accident Report Book. Serious incidents should also be reported to Director Tanushka Marah or Dave Barnstorm.
Accident records are crucial to the effective monitoring and revision of the policy and must therefore be accurate and comprehensive. A review of accident recording will be undertaken once a year, or earlier in case of a serious accident or near miss.
All employees / freelancers who are absent from work following an accident must complete a self-certification form, which clearly states the nature and cause of the injury.
For any employee / freelancer who suffers an injury at work which results in them being away from work, or unable to do their normal work, for three days or more (including weekends, rest days or holidays) it is important that your manager is informed. Incidents of this nature need to be reported to the Health and Safety Executive by the Company under the Health And Safety at Work Act 1974. Form 2508 (available from www.riddor.gov.uk/f2508.dot) should be completed with your line manager. employee / freelancers are not expected to complete these forms themselves. The designated person for reporting all RIDDOR incidents to is the Director.
In the event of a serious accident or dangerous occurrence, the Director will draw up a report, detailing:
Eyewitness accounts will be collected as near to the time of the accident as is possible. The completed report will be evaluated with a view to discover why the accident occurred and what action should be taken to avoid a recurrence of the problem. A follow up report will be completed after a reasonable period of time examining the effectiveness of any new measures adopted.
Generally, you should try to avoid working alone whenever this is possible. However, if you have to work alone, then you need to develop an awareness of the associated risks and how to minimise them.
Prior to making an appointment with someone you do not know, obtain as much information as possible about the person you are meeting and arrange to meet the person at ThirdSpace Theatre CIC. Always ring back the telephone number you have been given to confirm that it is legitimate. If a mobile number is given you should always ask for an alternative fixed line number.
If visiting, let your colleagues know where you are going, with whom and what time you are expecting to return. If you think that you are going to run over your original timescales, let your colleagues know.
If you are at all concerned that you are being placed in a dangerous situation through your employment, you must discuss this with your line manager.
All staff should acquaint themselves with the location of all fire exits, fire alarms and fire-fighting equipment.
All staff should know who the nominated Fire Officers and Fire Wardens at their place of work are and familiarise themselves with Fire Action Notices located around the building and with each venue’s individual Fire Risk Assessment.
Currently ThirdSpace Theatre CIC’s Fire Officer is Dave Barnstorm.
Always evacuate immediately on hearing the fire alarm.
All staff are responsible for
Staff must use electric fires and other heaters with caution and keep flammable materials away from sources of heat.
Staff must report any faulty electric cable or connections immediately to the Director and host venue staff where relevant. They should never attempt to repair or interfere with electrical equipment or wiring themselves or use dual or other socket outlets unless these have been properly authorised by the Director.
Smoke detectors and manually operated fire alarms are located throughout the building at ThirdSpace Theatre CIC offices. Fire extinguishers are also located at strategic points throughout the workplace. Staff should ensure they know where they are located.
Fire doors must never be blocked, jammed or tied open. Exit doors and corridors must never be locked, blocked or used as storage space.
Practice fire drills will be conducted on a regular basis to ensure staff are familiar with emergency evacuation procedures.
Mike Roe is responsible for the maintenance and testing of fire fighting equipment and testing of fire alarms at ThirdSpace Theatre CIC offices.
Past & Present.